4092 Dupont Parkway, Townsend, DE 19734 / 302-378-8441

How Does It Work?
You travel to each of the 16 stores/stops in your own vehicle.
You can use your ticket as much as you like during the 2 weeks
of the tour
Cecil & New Castle County's Christmas
Best Kept Secrets Tour
November 25 through December 9
Tickets are just $11 and can be purchased in the Mercantile
at Willey Farms Village.
Willey Farms and 15 other stores will be participating in this exciting two weeks of shopping.
Who else will be participating?
That will be revealed when you purchase your ticket
(that's part of the adventure!) but
we'll give you a hint...
there will be stores offering upcycled and vintage items,
handmade baskets, fabrics and notions, a game shop,
gifts, Christmas ornaments, seasonal flowers,
baked goods, a deli, pet and bird supplies,
home decor', fashion, a cafe' and more!
It's all for you to explore!
With each ticket you get...
A map and description of each store
Valuable coupons from each store
Special gifts, refreshments, raffles & more