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Fruits That Fight the Flu

There's a reason why you've always been told to eat your five fruits and vegetables each day....because it's good for you!

We're exposed to millions of germs in winter and all the vitamins we get by eating fruit helps our immune system to fight those germs.

Give your immune system a boost by eating these five super germ fighters...


Apples - One apple has the antioxidant effect equivalent to 1,500 mg of vitamin C. The protective flavonoids in apples may also prevent heart disease and cancer.


Papayas - A papaya has 250 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C  so just one serving can knock out your cold before it gets a grip on you.


Cranberries - One serving of cranberries has five times the amount antioxidants as broccoli. They are a natural probiotic which enhances good bacteria levels and protects you from foodborne illnesses.


Grapefruit - Also, loaded with vitamin C, the grapefruit contains liminoids which naturally help lower cholesteral. Lycopene, found in the red varieties of grapefruit, is a potent cancer fighter, too.


Bananas - The magnesium found in bananas will keep your bones strong and help maintain an healthy blood pressure. PLus, bananas help prevent heart disease with their potassium content. The banana is one of the top 5 sources of vitamin B6 so help self and help reduce fatique, depression, stress and insomnia.


Eat healthy....stay healthy!

Santa - Meet with Santa in the Bird House Sat Dec 7th from 11 to 2,

Friday Dec 13th from 3 to 6pm and Sunday Dec 15th from 11 to 2

Fresh Market
Fresh Produce & Groceries

Monday - Saturday
9am to 6pm

10am to 6pm

Garden Center
Mercantile, Old Barn, Greenhouse
& Bird House

Closed for the Season
Re-opening March 19


Willey's On A Roll
Food Truck

Closed Until Spring
Re-opening March 19


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